Thursday, May 13, 2010

watch and smile...

Just wanted to share a couple of little things that made me smile recently. 

If you've got a few minutes, please watch these little video clips - I promise it will be well worth your time.

This was on the news last night - I love seeing teenagers being KIND - it always makes me smile. 

It's especially nice when the teenagers are in my very own little community. :o)


And I saw this last made me smile.  and cry.  and smile.

If you aren't familiar with Stephanie, you definitely need to visit her blog and learn about her and her amazing spirit.

Happy Thursday! :o)

{don't forget to leave a comment HERE for a chance to win a copy of FAST & FRESH SCRAPBOOKS - it will make you smile too!}

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing those messages. The first one is sweet and to know that teenagers can have a wonderful spirit is uplifting.
    The second was so needed for me. I get in slumps, as a mother, and think woe is me. To know that others are suffering worse trials and can be happy makes me realize that I need to appreciate every moment I have as a wife and mother on this earth. Thank you.
