Friday, April 03, 2009

being messy might pay off (for you, not me)...

I think I mentioned the need to clean up my scrapbook room.  Well, I've been working on it - slowly.  This morning, as part of the whole organizing thing, I took the card out of my little point&shoot to see what was on it.  Mostly, I found pictures taken by the boys.

 [As a side note...I think my kids are going to inherit my little camera.  I pretty much hate it.  It's a Nikon Coolpix and as far as I'm concerned, I could get the same quality photos with a disposable camera.  Really.  I am NOT happy with it.  The kids, however, love as soon as I purchase a camera that is not sub-par quality, they will have free reign over the Nikon.]

Anyway, I saw this picture (taken of the table in my scrapbook room when I was in the middle of a big project last month) and it reminded me of the contest I was going to tell you about!

If you want to go from messy (above) to organized (below), you might want a ScrapBox.


And right now, you might be able to win one...for free!!

Here's the information I was given:

OK, so here's the scoop. On April 1st, the CraftBox giveaway begins. The competition will run for 3 weeks. Here is how it works:
* Upload your 2 photos of your Craftroom to our website
* Tell all your friends to come and vote for your craftroom
* It doesn't matter to us if your room is the neatest, smallest or
messiest - If you have the most votes by noon April 22nd, 2009,
you will win a brand new "CraftBox" of your choice. This includes
free shipping anywhere in the 50 US states and Canada.
* No photoshopping or text allowed on the uploaded photos
* Only 1 entry per person
* Anyone can vote only once per day. In other words, you can vote
once everyday for the entire competition, giving 22 votes from 1
person by the end of the competition
That's about it. The fewer friends you tell, the better chance you have
of less competition. The more you tell, the better chance of winning.

Click HERE to enter!  And if you do, be sure to let me know...I'd love to see one of my blog readers win a ScrapBox! :o)

I'm a few days late with this information (the contest started on 4/1...but there are less than 30 entries right now, so if you hurry and post your pictures, you still have a great chance of winning! 

Good luck!


  1. i just love your scrapbox! i want to come stand in front of them and sift through every little drawer. lol! and what a great contest. too bad i don't have a messy room. lol!

  2. Thanks for the link Wendy. I was going to comment that I wasn't going to tell Laura about this because she would win for the most awesome room!! LOL!
    Thanks for the share!
