Monday, September 11, 2006


He's SEVEN...but when I asked him if he felt like he was seven on the morning of his birthday, he answered, "Um, I kind of feel like I'm eight!" lol, what a funny kid!

His birthday was pretty low-key. He opened gifts from us before church...except the bike. We didn't tell him to look out in the shed until after church, because we knew he'd want to take it out for a spin! So when we got home from church, he got his bike and took it for a practice ride around the back yard. He took it for a ride around the neighborhood, but then put it away for the day. We had a little family party with cake and icecream in the evening. I kind of felt bad that we didn't do a "friend" party, but everything has been pretty chaotic and crazy with moving (and remains that way still...ugh!). He was great with it though, he didn't even ask about it.

I swear, the kid has matured a ton in the last 3 weeks. His temper and behavior issues that I was worried about seem to be pretty much gone (what a relief...knock on wood). He's just a genuine sweet heart almost all of the time -- he's still a boy after all! lol

He's always willing (sometimes too willing) to help with Zach. He loves him so much. First grade started a couple of weeks ago and I was scared to death for it because he had such a horrible experience in kindergarten (why do people who seem to not like children at all choose to be kindergarten teachers. come on people, if you like to yell, you probably should not be teaching 5 and 6 year old kids!) Anyway, he's doing great! Loving his teacher and learning to read and loving art (he asked me this morning if I thought he should be an artist when he grew up because he's so good at art). He also loves eating at school and recess. Love him! :o)

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