Thursday, July 23, 2009

have you heard...

...the crickets chirping?  I have. 

Every night this week.

I've been working into the wee hours of the morning with my office window open to allow the cool breezes into my room.  The sound of crickets was not expected, but I thought it was especially appropriate, since I was working on projects for Cosmo CRICKET for the CHA show next week!

Here's a peek at a few of the layouts I created...

The is the new Jolly by Golly line - so bright and fun for winter!


This is Snorkel - it's not brand new...but it's still awesome:


Another fun new line called "Earth Love":


And my favorite line of the new releases, "The Boyfriend":


I'll share more soon...but for now I just want to get my kitchen cleaned up from dinner and then I want to spend some time with the family and relax all evening...

and hopefully I'll be sleeping way too soundly to hear any crickets tonight!


  1. sorry you had to work so many late nights ... but it turned out some great projects! lots of fun products going on there. super cute and goes perfectly with your style!

  2. Wendy- your blog is beautiful. I love your photography. It's always fun to click over and check others out. How did you find mine?

  3. oh, i love these wendy! it paid off to work so late b/c these are great! :)
