Thursday, April 09, 2009

last year's hunt...

This layout was published in the April issue of Creating Keepsakes magazine.  It was kind of fun using traditional "easter colors" (pastels) and mixing it up with some black...


and some of the details, if you are interested...egg_hunt_08_details

It doesn't look like we'll be hunting eggs in the green grass this year.  It's been snowing off and on today, and it's supposed to continue snowing throughout the weekend.  We might have to set up a little egg hunt inside the which case we'll be using plastic eggs only...just in case we have stray eggs that aren't found (doesn't that always happen?)...we don't want stinky eggs hiding in our house!

I've been working on some fun home dec. projects...and I'm happy to say I was finally brave enough to try cutting vinyl on my silhouette.  It was EASY and I'm loving being able to do it so quickly and easily. 


  1. Hi Wendy :) I know I have an email from you sitting unanswered in my inbox... I try to be really good about that, but once in a while, my inbox gets away from me and I have to take time to sit down and go through the whole thing! I promise I'm not ignoring you! :) Anyway, I'd LOVE to see what you're doing with the vinyl and the silhouette. I just got a silhouette not long ago, and I'm dying to try creating some vinyl wall art! You'll have to show some pics of what you made :)

  2. hey Wendy - cute layout! I wish i could do the double pager thing! Hope your egg hunt went off well - it was actually really nice down here so it worked out well. Hope your snow disapears soon!
