Wednesday, September 19, 2007

room to room...

Have you seen this special issue from Paper Crafts yet? If you have, you already know how fabulous it is. If you haven't, you must!! There are so many "do-able" projects and they don't look "homemade." Not that homemade is a bad thing, of course, but they really look nice -- items you'd be proud to display in your home. Really! I am excited to try a few out for myself - I'll share when I do!

I was lucky enough to have a few of my projects included in this special issue - one that you may have seen several months ago on my blog...

Oh, and the photos are WAAAAAAY better than these, of course...mine were most likely taken at 3:00 am under my nice cieling lights. ;)

If you've seen this book, I'd love to hear which projects were your faves. I'll share some of my favorites soon!


  1. love the projects wendy! that clock is too cute! congrats on the pubs! i actually have seen this issue a few times ... but for some reason i havn't picked it up. i'll have to make a point next time i see it!

  2. Cute ideas! Thanks for sharing about the book.
