Monday, March 30, 2009

vacation photos...

So I finally sat down last Friday to start uploading our vacation photos from a few weeks ago.  Little did I know that I'd be spending the next two days sitting here working on them...and then waiting a full night for them to upload so I could get them printed at Costco.  Ah, a huge task...but I'm glad it's done.  Over 750 photos (is that insane?)...and that's after I deleted a bunch of blurry/cruddy ones.  They are ready for me to pick up this morning...but I doubt I'll be making the trek to Provo to get them - this snowstorm will keep me inside my house today...definitely  not in Provo Canyon! 

So I came across a link to download this fun collage-making software.  It has a lot of fun capabilities, but I'm sticking to the basics this morning...and making a very basic collage.  I broke it down into three days - and included random photos from each day.

Day 1, Disneyland:


Day 2, California Adventures:

day2collage copy

Day 3, Disneyland, Newport Beach:

day3collage copy

I've actually been asked to work on a fun project which will include many of these photos, which is why I'm only posting these little peeks...with more fun ideas to come in the future. :o)



  1. that is a ton of photos .. i can see why it took you so long to get them done. lol! looks like you had a great trip. can't wait to see what you're working on!

  2. Can you come and be the photographer of our next family trip? You're amazing, the pics look so fun.

  3. So fun! I'm glad you had such a great vacation--you deserved it! Love all the photos and how you made them into a collage!
