Monday, February 26, 2007

where i've been...

I'll give you four clues:

Sick kids. Sick me. Taking turns. Yuck.

Hopefully we'll see the end of the sickies soon...


  1. Sorry about you all being sick, Wendy. We have just battled pinkeye here with a bit of congestion thrown in. Luckily my dh was the worst off, although I doubt he would think that was lucky. My baby only had one day of pinkeye and it wasn't too bad, and I DIDN'T get it. Hope you all feel back to normal soon.

  2. sorry!! It seems never ending, huh?! Hang in there!! Spring is around the corner...I can feel it! :o)

  3. So sorry you have all been sick.

    I haved missed your blogging.

    Get Well Soon...

  4. i hope you start feeling better. i know how it is my kids have all been sick too. no fun. i just barely found that you have your own blog. your my all time favorite designer. i have been a fan for years. you are so talented.

  5. I hoe you are all feeling better over there. Spring is around the corner! yay!

    :)Kristi Barnes
